Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Journals-Grade on Friday 9/11/15

The students have been working on Science and Math projects in their spiral notebooks known as "Science Journal" and "Math Journal."  Pictures have been added to assist with completion of unfinished projects.  Friday 9/11/15 I will take a grade for these projects:


#1 -Place Value (Pictured Below)
#2 -Addition and Multiplication Properties (Pictured Below)
#3 -Recipe Adjustment  (Recipe with 5 ingredients) Students were told that their recipe served 10               people.  Students adjusted the recipe to serve 5 and 20 people.
 #4 -Numbers as exponents- Students translated multi-digit numbers into digits x 10 with an                          exponent.  Students then came up with ten more base-exponent numbers and solved.
#5 -9/8-9/11 Daily Math Board (This is the board work they do first-thing daily.)


1. Where Did the Water Go? (Students made observations, hypothesis and conclusions based on               water "disappearing" from a cup.
2. Plasma Ball (Described below)
3. Changes in Matter- Bread Machine (Pictured Below)
4. Finding the Volume of a Solid (Students measured out milliliters of water then placed a solid                 inside the container to record the volume of a solid.
5. Science ?s 121, 122, 144
6. Science Terms foldable: mass, volume, atom, mixture, solution

MATH JOURNAL #1                                                                           MATH JOURNAL #2 PIC1


 Plasma Ball
Step 1:  Observations: List materials and what you observe.
Step 2: Make Hypothesis: What do you think is going to happen?
Step 3: Make Predictions: Why do you think your hypothesis was true/false?
Step 4: Perform tests/ experiments: What did we do with our materials?
Step 5: Draw Conclusions: What does your experiment mean?
Step 6: Application: How does this effect every day life?
                                                             SCIENCE JOURNAL #3

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